Saturday, July 25, 2009

How do i get rid of sensitive teeth when eating green mangoes?

Whenever i eat lots of green mangoes, my teeth always gets sensitive and it starts to hurt whenever i chew hard food. How do i get rid of it? And nobody say don't eat mangoes cause i love mangoes especially if they aren't ripe yet. Even if i only eat one, it hurts after a few slices. I don't have bad teeth or gums and i tried using sensodine toothpaste for a month before but it didn't work. My teeth just got more sensitive. How do i fix the sensitivity of my teeth to green mangoes?

How do i get rid of sensitive teeth when eating green mangoes?
Try chewing on aluminum foil both before and after.
Reply:i dont know how u can fix that ! but i can tell u that green mangoes have many allergens including urushiol and some people are allergic to it. try eating them with sugar or salt+chilly powder.

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