Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sensitive teeth....please help me!?

I've always had semi-sensitive teeth while I was growing up. But since I've become and adult, it seems like they are getting MUCH worse. I'm sensitive to hot, cold, sweet and sour. I bit into an apple the other day and I thought I was going to lose it. The sweet juice really made my teeth ache. :-(

My dentist is aware - I have a bite splint that I wear at night b/c I grind my teeth. He has also given me a script for special perscription-only toothpaste for sensitive teeth that I use. I take good care of my teeth (brush 2x/day, floss, etc.). What else can I do to alleviate the pain?

Thank you!

Sensitive teeth....please help me!?
I used to have extremely sensitive teeth, so much so that it hurt to brush them. Getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist was a nightmare! I've changed a few things, and it has made all the difference. I still have sensitive teeth, but I can at least have my teeth cleaned without tears.

1. I use Sensodine's Pronamel, I even put it in a mouth tray and let it sit in my mouth for half hour. (try not to swallow)

2. DO NO WHITEN YOUR TEETH, this product can make your teeth even more sensitive.

3. Stop drinking pop, and acidic juices. The acid wears away at the enamel of your teeth. *Caffinated drinks like coffee and tea can also be hard on your enamel.

4. Sugar of any kind will wear away at the enamel as well, but let's be honest who gives up sugar entirely. Rinse your mouth with water, milk, or have a slice of cheese after sugary snacks. DO NOT brush your teeth directly after eating or drinking acid or sweet foods! The acid can act like an abrasive and wear away at your enamel as you're brushing.

5. Keep your fruit out of the fridge, and run it under warm water before least you'll be able to eat it!

6. Get you daily intake of calcium! This is important for good strong healthy teeth.

7. Always use a soft toothbrush, and never brush your teeth hard.

Good Biting!
Reply:A mouthwash with fluoride is suppose to help with sensitive teeth that along with a sensitive teeth toothpaste.

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